Desk of Brad


Process and Procedure Is No Substitute for a Great Relationship

I thought I’d share with you some of the pictures from my holiday in Washington state this week. Like most Americans, it’s a working vacation but none the less it’s been an enjoyable and thoughtful time. I have a sense of renewal and focused determination coming back from holiday. One of the best things about […]

The Experience Economy: Part 1

I have long contended that history goes in reverse—that is, time goes backward, not forward. If you want to know what is happening today—or, more importantly, if you want to know why it is happening, you have to look at yesterday and the day before that and so on to truly understand how we got […]

Tahzoo Commitment

As a follow up to my commentary last week, I’d like to continue my discussion about commitment. As the company grows and changes we need to be committed to our values and to what has gotten us here. I realize for many of you who are part of the Hinttech organization joining Tahzoo, you may […]

On Commitment

Commitment is a powerful word. I have been reflecting on that word a bit recently. When I started Tahzoo I had a dream that we could build a company that would change the way that companies engage with their customers. I have been and will be committed to that dream until we have accomplished our […]