Desk of Brad


What We Can Learn About Content From Fidel Castro

“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement”  – Helen Keller  Next week, I will be Keynoting the SDL Connect conference in Santa Clara. I will be speaking about Language as the third pillar of data required to create and deliver personalized customer experiences. We are expecting a large audience with representation from many Fortune […]

Innovation, Quantification, and Orchestration

“System in all things is the soul of business. To deliberate maturely, & execute promptly is the way to conduct it to advantage. With me, it has always been a maxim, rather to let my designs appear from my works, than by my expressions.”  – George Washington  Innovation – Searching for the “Best Way”  Innovation is often thought […]

Data Science

“Our ability to do great things with data will make a real difference in every aspect of our lives.” – Jennifer Pahlka  Traditionally, advertising and marketing were based on the hope of a random chance. You’d see an ad at just the right time before you were going to buy or, as you walk down an […]

The Importance of Personalization

I hope you enjoyed the retrospective on advertising and marketing last week. It’s important to know where we came from so we can understand where we are going and how big is the step is forward. For those who were wondering, Mark Goode won the contest on the ad campaigns, and here are the answers: […]

Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going

During the advent of the web, the dominant paradigm for advertising and marketing was built on the notion of frequency and reach. The idea being that if a brand or product was promoted enough, eventually the message would sync into your consciousness. We can all remember TV ads that struck the zeitgeist and were showed […]


“Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It’s not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it’s when you’ve had everything to do, and you’ve done it.” – Margaret Thatcher  Hi Everyone,  We launched our first Software as a Service (SaaS) product! MarketerCX is a fully implemented version of our […]

Customers, Content, and Context

“All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.”  – Michael John Bobak  If I knew everything you ever posted… if I knew every piece of content you ever consumed… would I know you?  Humans are fascinating creatures; we have belief systems and values that manifest differently in various contexts. When presented with similar problems, how you […]

What’s In A Fitbit

Since receiving a Fitbit Charge 2 for my birthday, I’ve been wearing it every day for a month now, and I’m fascinated with what I’ve learned. The Charge Two tracks heart rate, sleep patterns, the number of steps taken, estimates the number of calories burned each day, and so much more. The device even reminds […]


As our Innovation Day (Innovatiedag Herfst 2016) events draw to a close this week, I’m proud to see the strong spirit of innovation clearly evident in our Tahzoo family. I’d like to thank the attendees, presenters, planners, and all of the hackathon participants who contributed to this successful event. This is a perfect time to […]