Desk of Brad



“The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore.”

– Vincent Van Gogh

Hi Everyone,

Some people say I am optimistic, while others say I’m too optimistic. Either way, I am optimistic by nature.

I learned how to confront challenges head-on while working at Microsoft. My mentor Jason had an uncanny talent for rooting out the fear that keeps you stuck. Over the years, I have internalized those lessons and come to understand that real problems never get better with time. You must do something about them. So, I challenge myself every day to confront the things that worry me the most.

I stay optimistic because I have some habits that I’ve learned over the years, and they keep me going. I know what I want. I’m willing to take on big challenges. I am committed to a path, and I confront the obstacles in my way.

My challenge for you, then, is to ask yourself: What’s preventing you from being optimistic?

The answer just might be that it’s time for some new habits!

Let’s go be great!
