Desk of Brad


Keep On And Carry On

Hi Everyone,

Oh my gosh, it’s so nice to write to you in the New Year. I hope everyone had an excellent holiday and had a chance to unwind. As my dad would say, “it’s been tough sledding the last couple of months.” I’m sure everyone enjoyed the break. I am proud of how well each of you managed the last year.

In 1939, the British Government, in preparation for the impending World War and to bolster its citizens’ morale, sponsored the now quite famous ad campaign “KEEP CALM and CARRY ON.” Given the first seven days of 2021, I’d like to share a similar sentiment with all of you. 

We are going to be okay, as a country, as a company, and as individuals. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and to see the world in a bleak way, but I’d encourage you to focus on the things you are grateful for and work on the problems in front of you, rather than worry about things that could happen but haven’t happened yet. So, let’s all keep calm and carry on, it worked for an entire nation, and it will work for Tahzoo. 

I know it’s hard not to worry sometimes, I am reminded of a famous quote by Mark Twain, “I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.” Every time I recognize that I am worrying about something that hasn’t happened, I think of this quote. It’s not to say bad things don’t happen because they do. It’s to say that worrying about what might happen deprives you of the energy and focus you’ll need when it matters most.

We have lots of work to do as a company. In 2021, we’ll grow by more than 50%. That means hiring a lot of new people, helping each of them learn the Tahzoo way, and of course, providing white-glove service to our clients. Focus on what is in front of you and on delivering excellent work. Each of us, including myself, need to take it up a notch this year.

Tahzoo’s most significant priorities of excellent customer service, exceptional quality work, and growing the business can only be achieved if we execute like a team. Everyone needs to focus on their communication, collaboration, and accountability within their team and their practice area. We did a great job supporting one another last year through some challenging times, and we’ll do even better this year.

Quoting the famous Class of 99 speech: “don’t worry about the future, or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum.”

Let’s go be great,
