Desk of Brad


Leading with Optimism

“Say something positive, and you’ll see something positive.”

– Jim Thompson

Hi Everyone,

I read a quote this week that really stuck with me by Ralph Marston, “Being positive in a negative situation is not naive. It’s leadership”. I am generally an optimistic person; I believe everything happens for a reason. Although I may not immediately see the reasons or make the connections, I have found over time that my life journey makes sense. That with every challenging or negative situation there is something for me to learn. I read a book when I was a kid by Warren W. Wiersbe titled “The bumps are what you climb on”. It was all about how difficult circumstances are the experiences that make you who you are. That has been a central theme of who I am since I was a young teenager.
I know that everyone has a different strategy for facing negative situations, great leaders help others transcend, learn, and overcome obstacles. Colin Powell said, “Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.” We are all leaders – we lead our clients through challenging projects, organizational change management, through many difficult circumstances, and we lead our colleagues and teammates too. We influence everyone around us with our enthusiasm, our optimism, and our courage.
The reason we hire smart and happy people at Tahzoo is so that we can collectively support one another with optimism and enthusiasm, that is why we get hired by our clients. They want to work with people who give them the courage and the confidence that solving their business problem is possible. If you work at Tahzoo, regardless of your role – you are a leader. Lead with optimism.

Let’s go be great!
