Desk of Brad


Making Tahzoo Great

“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”

– Edith Wharton 

You know every week I end my letter to the company with Let’s go be great – I really mean that in fact I really want that for each of you and myself. We all have a choice; we can work at Tahzoo or somewhere else so what separates our company? What makes it worth spending your time and energy? I believe it’s because we were founded on a higher purpose. To help create a better world by helping our clients deliver exceptional customer service. The first value of our company is that if you care about your customers and care about your employees, you’ll have a company worth caring about. 
Think about that for a moment. Our first goal isn’t a financial metric or achievement in the marketplace or delivering an innovation. It’s about creating an environment in which people are excited about. If you care about your team members and your customers, you act differently. This is why I go to work every day. I wanted to be a part of something that was transcendent, that the quality and strength of our relationships would be the measurement of success. How many companies do you know that have this as their first ideal? 
So my challenge to each of you is to think about how you contribute to making your colleagues and clients cared for…?  Help me build a company where we achieve greatness because of the strength of our bonds and ambition. 
Let’s go be great means that we are great because we do it together…. thanks for being a part of Tahzoo.  