Desk of Brad


Sales – It’s Not Just Selling

“Service, in short, is not what you do, but who you are. It is a way of living that you need to bring to everything you do, if you are to bring it to your customer interactions.” – Betsy Sanders  In a healthy company, everyone knows how they contribute to the mission and success of […]

Customers, Content, and Context

“All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.”  – Michael John Bobak  If I knew everything you ever posted… if I knew every piece of content you ever consumed… would I know you?  Humans are fascinating creatures; we have belief systems and values that manifest differently in various contexts. When presented with similar problems, how you […]

Great Teams

Hi Team, Super Bowl 51 is coming up next weekend – the Championship for the American version of Football! There are many facets to a great football team, beyond talent… It’s teamwork. There was a coach named Vince Lombardi who was until recently the winningest coach in football. I’ve read his biography several times (if […]

Tahzoo 2017 Strategic Direction

“Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary a qualification for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write.” – H.G. Wells  A few weeks ago, I wrote out our mission for 2017 in the Desk of Brad. I thought I’d send it out as a reminder and a pretext for our focus going […]

What’s In A Fitbit

Since receiving a Fitbit Charge 2 for my birthday, I’ve been wearing it every day for a month now, and I’m fascinated with what I’ve learned. The Charge Two tracks heart rate, sleep patterns, the number of steps taken, estimates the number of calories burned each day, and so much more. The device even reminds […]

Happy New Year

I am excited for the new year… I am still in a California state of mind so please enjoy the analogy. When there is a storm in the Pacific, it generates a swell – the waves begin to get larger over the duration of the storm and then gradually subside to normal levels. When you’d […]

Surfing, and Making It Better

I spent the evening with an old friend last night, someone who has been like a second father to me. Rick and Jan took me in as a teenager and were instrumental in shaping who I am today. Rick is a remarkable man, he has four undergraduate degrees, two masters and two PHDs, not all […]

Happy New Year

“You don’t see a masterpiece take shape until you add all the pieces. Greatness works the same way.” –  Nyeeam Hudson  I get excited about starting the new year. There is something liberating and invigorating about all the new things that are ahead of us. I have big plans for Tahzoo in 2017. There have been a number of ideas and […]

Across the Country

I spent the week on the road and saw most of the country. David Sterenberg and I drove from Washington DC to Phoenix about 2000 miles in three days. We were on a southern route through Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, New Mexico, and then to Arizona. Needless to stay there were several BBQ stops. Our first […]

Leaders in Experience, Design, and Delivery

“If you would attain to what you are not yet, you must always be displeased by what you are. For where you are pleased with yourself there you have remained. Keep adding, keep walking, keep advancing.” – Saint Augustine  Hi Everyone,  My challenge to each of you is to make Tahzoo a recognized leader in Experience Design and […]